Thursday, March 29, 2007

Week IV, Post I: Countdown

Well, we're nearly half-way through the course so far! Being my first experience with an online class, I was a little worried. But it's been pretty painless up to this point. I've been learning a lot and am actually enjoying things so far (didn't think I would...)

This week's first entry comes from Loyola University, Chicago:

Countdown is a public television show about math, where viewers call in and learn new concepts or refresh their skills. The site offers Quicktime clips of the show, all neatly organized into categories like Numbers & Operations, Data Analysis, Algebra, Connections, etc. (Sounds like NCTM Principals and Standars, which is a biiiig plus. See

Users can watch the clips to learn something new or brush up on something they struggle with. This is a GREAT remediation website. Clips are short (five or so minutes, from what I've seen so far) so it'd be easy to send several students to the computer in one period to work.

I'm excited...The two most recent clips come from The Number Devil, a math book I've been dying to buy. It's great to see other people using that book as well.


Joe Greaser said...

Hi Karina, this is Joe (TA)

What an interesting concept! How could you apply this in the classroom? Could you implement your own version of 'Countdown' using the school's broadcast equipment and televisions?

Jimmy Harris said...

Interesting indeed! I can certainly see value for remedial students and augmentation for others. I will share this with our Title 1 math group as well as an after-school program we currently have in place called 'Fast Cats,' whose goal is to help students who are behind, needing test prep, or those who have experienced attendance problems and wish to erase some unexcused absences. I can see 'Countdown' providing some help with the math students in both of these areas.

I also think Joe has a great idea for a school-produced version. I know our media classes that produce the school news are always looking for different ways to bring info to our students and faculty. What better public service announcement than this? Well done Karina! I wish I had known about this when I was taking Statistics last semester!

KKRH said...

I bet the students of Mu Alpha Theta would love to work on producing their own version of Countdown when not practicing for their competitions. Thanks, Joe, great idea! I'll bring it up with them at our next meeting.